Da ist eine Kluft zwischen den Schichten dieser Welt (keine Musik ist außerhalb), ein Spalt, den ihre Stimme für uns alle offen hält.
There's a cleft between the layers of this world (no music is outside), a chasm her voice keeps open for us all.
Death and the Maiden

This is a collection of bootlegs and various bits and pieces ranging from 1965 to 1987.
It starts with her wailing over the Exploding Plastic Inevitable before diving into 13 minutes of New-Age sillyness by Michel Huygen (just Google!), but then, oh then things get a little more serious - CBGB'S 1979: Miss Päffgen and her harmonium perform Secret Side and that's rather breathtaking. - This version is so strong, you should definitely hear it.
On the second side Purple Lips on French TV and a Morrison/Reed backed version of Chelsea Girls from a TV-documentary about the Chelsea Hotel.
Then there's her first Single from 1965 on Immediate - a piece of breezy folkpop, (better than Marianne Faithfull's stuff at the time - before the Austrian-Hungarian aristocrat got her own voice and was still trying to emulate Joan Baezes vibrato-siren (the horror, the horror!)) the B-Side of which a certain Jimmy Page co-wrote.
Vinyl-rip, VBR, Lame, 71 MB (The Megaupload link ist still working)
Nico - Death & The Maiden
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