Last time we took a jump out of the window for pure joy, this time we merely open it and shout out into the night, out to the beasts of the forest: "Ich bin tot im Kopf, ich bin krank im Schwanz ! I am dead in the head, I am sick in my dick!" (repeat)
Hotel Morphila Orchester 1981/1982
O.K., this is most essential. What we have here is probably the greatest subculture spawned Rock'n'Roll ever to be released in Austria.
And believe it or not, it was produced by some bloody ahtists! Yes, those punkers were ahtists in disguise, that even gigged in rotten galleries and museums. The head of the orchestra was none other than Peter Weibel, who zampanoed through each and every aht movement since the 60's as practitioner, curator and communicator. (if you're from around these parts and ever been interested in the european aht scene, you'll immediately recognize his voice.)
The band played in the vein of the Modern Lovers and every snappy minimalist song would turn into a Roadrunner. This sort of On-and-On-Motorik Rock then provided the ideal playing field for Weibel, for it put no constraints on his swirling ramblings full of surprises with unforgettable and quotable lines all over. (It's a shame you don't speak german.)

First, listen to the dazzling "Sex in der Stadt". Here Weibel takes the unique approach of using found footage lyrics from the Kronen Zeitung, Austria's monopoly boulevard paper; that is, he recites the classifieds, mixing the explicit offers of hookers with ads for buzz saws and Rottweiler pups to exhilarating effect. And when he starts into the desperate chorus of "Sex in der Stadt ist was keiner hat!" [Sex in the city is what nobody has] ... Oh, have mercy, this is too great! The Anguish! The Exasperation!
>>>Hotel Morphila Orchester - Sex in der Stadt
Next, we learn what love is:
Liebe ist ein Hospital, doch jeder ist nur Patient und keiner Arzt, der die Krankheit kennt. Ich bin Patient und du bist Patient - darum ist Liebe so katástrophal (with the accent set quite wrongly)
[Love is a hospital, but everyone's a patient and noone's the doctor who'd know the illness. I am a patient and you are a patient - that's why love is so catástrophic.]
>>>Hotel Morphila Orchester - Liebe ist ein Hospital
Dead in the Head:
Streber als Heilige apostrophiert, Verbrechen mit Staat poliert, sprengt mein Auge ein Loch in die Welt! Ja! Multi-AKW und Bankkonzerne! Was verwandelt Liebe in Haß, was verwandelt Liebe in Tod - die Todestrippgruppe! Die Todestrippgruppe! (and on and on)
[Careerists called saints, crime polished with state, my eye blows a hole into the world!
Yes! Nuclear power plants and banking groups! What turns love into hate, what turns love into death - the deathtripgroup! The deathtripgroup!]
Two songs you got already, the remaining five of this Greatest Hits set you'll find on 4Shared:
- Die Straße ist naß
- Scheiß Polizei
- Dead in the Head
- Vereinsamt (Nietzsche Rock)
- Married Women
(pics are from www.punk-disco.com)