Montag, 17. September 2007

Those Who Survived The Plague

Fans of roaches and Fearless Iranians from Hell, Those Who Survived The Plague were a constitutive part of the early-nineties Hardcore-scene in Austria. With boy/girl shouting/screeching backed by competent musicians (like Mops, who was already part of Target of Demand, the first austrian Dischord-influenced HC-band) who knew how to deliver the punches, they were a really energetic ensemble that fell between the camps of metallic moshers like KURORT (another brilliant band - granite-heavy Slayer-riffing and singing in a strange upper-austrian-german) and the "Linz D.C."-bands (who again got their moniker from their Dischord sound, popularized by Rainer Krispels Target of Demand and their friends).

Try this one:
TWSTP - 501
"Separate the men from the boys - give, give, give me the boys!" (Ain't this the problem - that there are only boys left?)

Another one, you'll find in the last post, below the fotos.

The whole set:

Samstag, 1. September 2007


2006 wurden in Wien 6000 Fahräder gestohlen. Gestohlene Räder warten im Schauraum der Straße auf Käufer, werden sukzessive ausgeweidet und von der Meute der frustrierten Autofahrer demoliert. Auch bei noch ungestohlenem Fahrrad mußt du damit rechnen, daß es dir zertreten wird, läßt du es in den Nachtstunden draußen stehen.

Destroyed by carsexuals, marauding through the streets at night, archenemies of man and bike...

The finest Austrian Hardcore band in the early nineties:
Those Who Survived The Plague - Carsexuals